Monday, June 22

Thing #1 - Inspiration/Registration

This video, "the networked student" is just OK in my opinion. I understand they are trying to make a point with the simplicity of it - cut outs & so forth, but for some reason I find the format . well . not techie enough to grab one's attention.
I think our students could make a go at these types of video .. however with the PC video, editing, sound have created some issues on my campus. I'm hoping with some of our new Macs there will be easier video creating software which I hope to explore with students next year. I want to see my students TEACH my teachers how easy it is to make video. I like the fact that the student voice narrates this video & the teacher is like his helper. I think that is our spot - librarians/teachers are there to help students out when they come into a glitch of some sort. Sometimes, I think of myself as the magician's assistant - you know in the old magic acts - I am pulling out s-video, adapters, VGA, USB & handing them over to the students who are plugging & huffing & then VOILA - MAGIC! I've been doing that all year. This year a few of my teachers let students create media with whatever device they had available to them. This meant they brought some home laptops, cameras, iPods etc with their media on them & we did run into some snafus with converting - hooking their laptops up to the teacher projector etc.. But, alas .. I do digress ...

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