Monday, June 29

Thing # 5 - Microblogging

Thing 5 has sent me into interplanetary orbit for a few days. I am now twittering & set up a facebook account. I have enjoyed participating in both, but I find facebook a little more to my liking & a better fit for things I want to do. I could see having a private/family facebook & one for school. I can see a lot of uses for it - like book clubs, maybe a tech committee group for my school. I am not sure yet if I like having school & family mixed together or better to have two accounts? any thoughts out there?
Again I have heard from teachers that students who are given access to facebook are using it for personal means instead of in an instructional way - so I'm sure they struggle with that line like me.
I like back channeling & really think this is a terrific way to hear from students & get immediate feedback. I want to work with some teachers on this next year. It would be a terrific way to monitor what is going on with the student while they are working on something like group projects, final lab write-up, etc... It could be a fantastic forum for exploding ideas/debate.

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